Our next regular monthly PCSO meeting will be at the Maplesoft-Jones Centre [MAP] on 15 June 2023, starting at 6:30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Sean Tobin, Mental Health Practitioner with Public Safety Canada. His presentation will focus on dealing with issues of anxiety and maintaining mental health while dealing with cancer.
Sean’s presentation is entitled Strategies to Manage Anxiety
To attend in person
- Please register early at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), and ensure that you include the number of attendees in your party.
- By email, we’ll either confirm your reservation, or advise you that we’ve reached the Centre’s capacity of 24 persons.
Note: Masks are not mandatory but are recommended in the Maplesoft-Jones Centre
To attend virtually by Zoom
- Please register at the following link - https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlcu-spjgpGNCAKzfiN5kcCd4or3jQqd3-
- After registering, you’ll receive an email with instructions on joining the meeting.
Sean Tobin holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work with a specialization in Advanced Clinical Practice as well as Bachelors’ Degrees in both Psychology and Social Work. Sean started his career in child protection before moving into mental health practice. He has worked in mental health and addictions, early psychosis intervention and forensic psychiatry in both community and hospital settings and has worked for municipal and provincial governments from coast-to-coast. Sean also maintains a private practice where he focusses on providing presentations on suicide prevention and intervention as well as other mental health topics. He has spent the last seven years as a Mental Health Manager with the Government of Canada.
Sean is a dynamic and engaging speaker. He uses humour to talk about difficult topics, and infuses his presentations with his professional expertise and personal experience with mental illness. In his spare time, he is actively involved in local hockey, serving as the Assistant Referee-in-Chief for Hockey Eastern Ontario (HEO).
Regular PCS Ottawa Meetings
Unless otherwise noted, we hold Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa’s regular monthly meetings at the Maplesoft-Jones Cancer Survivorship Centre [Map] on the third Thursday of each month. We don’t hold meetings in the months of July and August, except for our ever-popular annual BBQ on the third Thursday of August.
We offer most of our meetings in hybrid format, allowing you to attend either in person or virtually. Watch our Meetings and Events website page or your e-mail inbox for meeting locations and specific registration instructions.
We normally start our meetings with a social gathering at 6:30 pm, followed at 7:00 pm with brief business announcements, followed by either a guest speaker or a sharing session.
Not sure where to start?
We are only a phone call or email away. Contact PCSO anytime at 613-828-0762 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).