Next PCSO meeting Thursday, 15 August – It’s our annual PCSO barbecue!

It’s time again to relax and get together for our annual PCSO barbecue at the beautiful Maplesoft-Jones Centre!

It’s our annual PCSO barbecue! Holding the BBQ in August continues to be very successful, so we’ll plan this popular event again as a lead-in to Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in September.

When: This year’s date is Thursday, 15 August starting at 4:00 pm with food starting around 5:00 pm.

Where: We’re holding the BBQ once again on the grounds of the beautiful Maplesoft-Jones Centre at 1500 Alta Vista Drive at Industrial Ave., Ottawa [MAP]

Note – There is no outdoor seating, so please remember to bring your lawn chairs.

Food: Lolacher’s Catering is providing both a burger and a sausage, plus beverages, salads, snacks and a dessert tray.

Please respond to Doug Nugent by e-mail at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) not later than Tuesday 6 August that you and possibly a partner/guest are coming. In your reply, please indicate your burger choice for each person in your party: Beef, Chicken or Veggie. The sausage, (included), is mild German (pork).

Please note that if you are a recent member or have not been to a monthly meeting lately, or ever, you and your partner are certainly most welcome. The barbecue is a profoundly un-stressful occasion, and it’s a great way to meet other people in our support group and guests in a very casual setting on the beautiful grounds of the Maplesoft-Jones Centre. Also please be aware, masks are recommended but not mandatory for activities inside the Centre.

We’re looking forward to seeing you and your guests for this festive occasion and remember – BRING LAWN CHAIRS.

Rain Date: In the event of inclement weather on 15 August, the BBQ will be held on Thursday, 22 August at St Stephen’s Anglican Church [Map]. We’ll endeavour to keep everyone informed with details of any changes through website updates and notification emails to all PCSO members.

Regular PCS Ottawa Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, we hold Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa’s regular monthly meetings at the Maplesoft-Jones Cancer Survivorship Centre [Map] on the third Thursday of each month. We don’t hold meetings in the months of July and August, except for our ever-popular annual BBQ on the third Thursday of August.

We offer most of our meetings in hybrid format, allowing you to attend either in person or virtually. Watch our Meetings and Events website page or your e-mail inbox for meeting locations and specific registration instructions.

We normally start our meetings with a social gathering at 6:30 pm, followed at 7:00 pm with brief business announcements, followed by either a guest speaker or a sharing session.

We thank you for your continued support!


Not sure where to start?

We are only a phone call or email away. Contact PCSO anytime at 613-828-0762 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


You can help support men and their families affected by prostate cancer.

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