
Got questions about prostate cancer? Need support? Start here.

No matter where you are in the prostate cancer journey—recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, or finished treatment—you are not alone.

Support networks

PCSO provides a range of supports to help individuals through these decisions, educate them about how to manage their condition, and to improve their quality of life.

In addition, PCSO partners with various cancer-related services and support groups, which are listed on this website at the link Prostate Cancer Info.

We hold monthly meetings as well as other events, where you can attend presentations on prostate cancer topics and meet other prostate cancer patients and survivors.

Peer support

A key aspect of the PSCO peer support approach is the sharing of our cancer stories amongst ourselves and with new members. This important activity empowers both sharers and listeners to realize they are not alone in their cancer experiences, to acknowledge their personal situations more easily, and to move towards a better quality of life.

We respond promptly to calls and emails from individuals dealing with prostate cancer. We also support their partners/caregivers in the same way.

No matter where you are in your prostate cancer journey, simply contact us for help with your diagnosis and treatment questions.

We can help put everything into perspective, including:

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Side-effects
  • And much more

We suggest joining us for sharing sessions, where discussion takes place with other prostate cancer survivors.

We also offer one-on-one peer support for those who wish to speak more privately about their situation.

Please note: we do not provide medical advice.

To access peer support, contact 613-828-0762 or email us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada REEF KNOT KIT

Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada have a free REEF KNOT KIT. Their signature Reef Knot Kits each include two books, ‘Prostate Cancer: Understand the Disease and its Treatment,’ by Dr. Fred Saad and Dr. Michael McCormack and ‘Prostate Cancer Strikes: Navigating the Storm’ by Gogs Gagnon, and a multitude of other resources, to aid you in researching your diagnosis and making difficult decisions surrounding your treatment options. Only when you know what is best for you and your family can you make an informed decision.

Click on the following link and select Get Support to order yours.

NEW! We now have a limited supply of Reef Knot kits available for distribution during our regular meetings. Check under Meetings and Events for information on location and details of upcoming meetings.

Prostate Cancer – Patient Empowerment Program (PC-PEP)

Prostate Cancer – Patient Empowerment Program (PC-PEP) is a homebased on-line cost-effective intervention that consists of 6 months of daily emails with video links for strength exercises with increased difficulty levels, pelvic floor training, phone text alerts three times a day, to help with urinary incontinence, stress reduction through the use of a biofeedback device, dietary and relationship, social connection with men who are taking the program and mentors who have completed the program, and monthly group videoconference for support.

Drs. Rob Rutledge of the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Center, and Gabriele Ilie of Dalhousie University, both in Halifax, developed and extensively field-tested this comprehensive program for post-treatment rehabilitation of prostate cancer patients. Several PCSO members have attested to the significant quality-of-life benefits they gained from participating in this excellent program.

For complete information and to register for this program, please click on the following link –

ADT Educational Program

The online Androgen Deprivation Therapy Educational Program is a free resource to help patients manage ADT side effects and engage in healthy lifestyle behaviours (e.g., physical activity). The program provides support to both prostate cancer patients and their partners or loved ones.

Classes are offered monthly, and patients need to register ahead of time at The class is a one-time, live (90 min.), facilitated webinar. After attending, Canadian participants are mailed a free copy of the ADT book, or it may be purchased separately (see following link).

Androgen Deprivation Therapy 3rd Edition

NEW! We now have four copies of Androgen Deprivation Therapy: An Essential Guide for Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones (2ndedition) available for loan only during our regular meetings. Check under Meetings and Events for information on location and details of meetings.

Prostate Cancer Patient Guide

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, a U.S.-based organization that raises significant funds for prostate cancer research, produces an excellent reference source for newly diagnosed and existing prostate cancer patients. Compiled with the contributions of top-tier doctors and researchers in prostate cancer, the Prostate Cancer Patient Guide is a must-have resource for patients and families. It focuses all the information available about contemporary prostate cancer research, treatment, and lifestyle factors into one consolidated document. Well written in clear language, it is available free of charge through the link below. Simply enter your e-mail address and PCF will send you a PDF version of the Guide by e-mail. Their main website,, also offers a wealth of information on current prostate cancer research initiatives, FDA approvals and more.

CAVEAT – the Prostate Cancer Patient Guide is an American publication, containing many references to medical insurance coverage that are not relevant in the Canadian context. Also, all of the latest research, diagnostic tools and treatment therapies discussed in the Guide may not be clinically available in Canada yet.

Prostate Cancer Research Institute

The Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) operates an excellent website containing many short, easy-to-understand educational videos on all aspects of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. The PCRI Executive Director, Dr. Mark Scholz, is a long-time, strong advocate of patient empowerment (see his CV at The unique focus of his many videos on the ‘Our Services’ portion of the PCRI website is helping men and their partners/caregivers through the often-difficult process of choosing the right treatment option for their prostate cancer. Dr. Scholz is particularly interested in persuading his audiences to consider the many quality-of-life consequences of each treatment option. His videos also offer very useful perspectives on the impact of diet, exercise, lifestyle and more on prostate cancer patient outcomes.

CAVEAT – Like the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the Prostate Cancer Research Institute is an American organization whose website includes information concerning medical insurance coverage that is not relevant in the Canadian context. It also discusses current research, diagnostic tools and treatment therapies that may not have reached Canada yet.

Active Surveillance Resources

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training and Erectile Dysfunction

A tool for finding Physiotherapists in the Ottawa region that offer pelvic floor services:

Note: To use the search tool, first select ‘Physiotherapist’ from the drop-down list under ‘Type of Practitioner’. Then in the ‘Treats:’ list, check the box labeled Males. Then type ‘Ottawa’ into the box labeled ‘Nearest City’ and click on ‘Ottawa ON, Canada’. Then at the label “Distance to Nearest City:”, drag the tab to the desired search radius.

Two additional physiotherapy clinics in Ottawa offering pelvic floor services:

Function Physiotherapy
1185 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K1S 3X7
Phone: (613) 680-6505

Pro Physio & Sport Medicine Centres Jeanne d'Arc
1887 St Joseph Blvd, Orléans, ON K1C 7J2
Phone: (613) 824-6744

The Australian Continence Society has great resources:

2023 Wrap-up

2023 Wrap-up

The Walnut is the official newsletter for PCS Ottawa, currently published periodically through the year.

Recent issue

We thank you for your continued support!


Help promote prostate cancer awareness

Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa provides speakers, professionally designed display units and accompanying literature for use at health fairs, sporting events, in shopping malls…any place people gather.

Contact us for more information on hosting an awareness event!
