Welcome to The Walnut!
The Walnut is the official newsletter for PCS Ottawa, currently published periodically through the year.
Every issue includes:
- Recaps of PCSO meetings and events
- Announcements about upcoming meetings and events
- Health and nutrition news
- Survivor stories
- Updates on new, innovative prostate and recurrent cancer treatment
- Research and diagnostics
- Photos, funny moments…and anything else we can come up with!
Get your copy of The Walnut
The Walnut is available on our website as a free downloadable PDF file.
Prefer a paper copy? If you or someone you know would like to receive The Walnut in the mail, please send a request to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call us at 613-828-0762.
Contact the editor
Comments? Questions? Want to submit an article or suggest a topic? Contact The Walnut editor at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Newest Issue
The Walnut: Recent issues
The Walnut, Winter 2020
Screening and early detection: why are men reluctant?
Screening is the most common method for early detection of prostate cancer. We all know that if you catch cancer early you are more likely to survive.
Yet not all men are proactive in making sure to seek early detection through screening.
In this issue, we explore some of the factors, such as lack of awareness, beliefs and attitudes that can discourage men’s involvement in prostate cancer screening and early detection activities. We also explore the pros and cons of screening and look at some best practices.
The Walnut, Autumn 2019
From a partner’s perspective: living with prostate cancer
In this issue, we explore the concerns and needs of partners of survivors. Three overarching themes are discussed: 1) coping with life in the face of cancer, 2) encountering difficult emotions related to a partner’s illness, and 3) learning to live with relationship changes.
We look at these at various stages of the prostate cancer “journey”: diagnosis and treatment, and what that experience is like for couples, what they find as helpful, harmful, and surprising throughout the experience, what couples and families need through and following treatment, and how men and women think and respond differently to intimacy and relationship challenges that occur as a result of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The Walnut, Summer 2019
In this issue, we explore how prostate cancer spreads, and talk about how this is monitored and treated. We talk about living with advanced prostate cancer: managing symptoms, managing pain.
We also look at how men can find support to deal with psychological distress, treatment distress and quality of life issues.
The Walnut, Spring 2019
In this issue, we examine the physical, emotional and social wellbeing needs of men with prostate cancer. We look at a range of issues, including dealing with anxiety,fatigue, side effects of treatment, loss of libido and sexual function, impact on relationships. And because many men do not take a pro-active approach to take responsibility for our health, using self-reflection and reinvention to become more proactive and becoming an architect of our own health.
The Walnut, Winter 2019
In this issue, we explore the risk factors for developing prostate cancer: age, race, family history, genetics, as well as social and environmental factors such as lifestyle, dietary habits. We also take a look at some common myths about risk factors.
Get involved with PCS Ottawa.
Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa is 100% volunteer-run.
Help promote prostate cancer awareness
Prostate Cancer Support Ottawa provides speakers, professionally designed display units and accompanying literature for use at health fairs, sporting events, in shopping malls…any place people gather.
Contact us for more information on hosting an awareness event!